Project 2, Week 6

For the final week before the Christmas break, I returned to my second project, Colour and Combinations. I had put this on hold for three weeks while I focused on Bruntwood, but now that that is complete, and I am not progressing to Phase 2, I can focus back on my self-initiated brief.

Following my tutorial on Monday, I decided to combine my sampling work and sketchbook painting more closely. I have not referred to my sketchbook much whilst sampling, so my focus now is on taking the shapes and colours from that and my sampling and doing mark making inspired by both. I decided to use textured paper to achieve the grainy effect from my photos of Lisbon. I have then been using acrylic, gouache, pastel, crayon and oil pastel to do mark making. This has helped me loosen up my drawing and see how I can take it forward for wallpaper design.

I have enjoyed working at approximately A5 scale, seeing my mark making like postcard designs which references the fact that my primary research and visual inspiration comes from photographs taken on holiday.

I plan to continue this mark making over the Christmas holiday, so that I can scan in my drawing to make digital wallpaper designs and make screens to screen print wall paper once I am back at University. Additionally, I have been back on the laser cutter, cutting out of Perspex some of the shapes I have been drawing inspired by the tiles in Lisbon. I will then attach these to my fabric samples as embellishment. Having evaluated my fabric samples, I think I will stick to creating bespoke wallpaper, rather than a fabric-based wall hanging for my final piece. However, I would like to take textural elements from the fabric onto paper, by flocking onto it and perhaps by stitching onto it.

Laser cutting.

I plan to use a glue gun to attach the Perspex pieces and would also like to dye these to include lots of colour in my final samples.

Also over the holiday I will be starting my research and drawing for the i-Dott Geo-Drawing live brief.


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