Practice Tutorial 22/10/18
One of the points which arose from my tutorial was that I might
consider combining the i-dott and Bradford briefs. There could be some
cross-over between the themes, so work could be submitted for both projects.
For my other project will also do the Bruntwood live brief. I will consider
colour more by going back into my sketchbook to focus on the colours and shapes
from my primary research. I want to consider the tonal qualities achieved
through the photograph printouts and get more subtlety in my drawing. I am also
thinking of using collage and materials such as puff binder to get texture and
layers into my sketchbook which I can then translate into material samples. As
noted in the tutorial, the yellow of the fabric used in my samples is too
bright and ‘sherberty’, so I need to work on adjusting this. I am going to
collate my samples of combined materials in a resource file, along with notes about
the process and the materials used. This will be helpful when refining my
samples into more resolved final pieces, as I will be able to assess the
processes such as laser cutting which will be appropriate for further
manipulation. I will begin this week by returning to my sketchbook, working
with paint, sketch and collage. I will continue to sample with foraged materials
to build up my resource file and then consider how to select the right colours
for further sampling. I will also experiment with dyeing fabric both naturally
and synthetically to achieve suitable colours.
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